The musician

Dirk Weil

Studied church music in Regensburg at the
Specialist academy for church music and music education
with B exam (1992)

One-year assistant to Domkapellmeister Dr. AF dos Santos
and organist at the Cathedral of Porto / Portugal

Over 35 years of experience in church music!
27 years as a full-time church musician in Holzkirchen / Bavaria
and over 10 years in Oppershofen, Bad Nauheim, Wetzlar and Regensburg
in part-time church music activity.

Many years of experience in entertainment music
and as a private music teacher.

Bookings possible with organ playing, piano playing
To baptize
funeral services
Solo vocal accompaniments

on existing church instruments
or mobile anywhere!

Also possible on request:
Pan flute solo playing

For concerts or world Events:
pan flute
Hammond Digital
sound reinforcement

Also mobile at any location possible

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